Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sept 21 - 23 MMC Church Retreat

What a fun weekend with our church family.  The highlight was getting to hold Conner Samuel Skroban.  Ben and Steph stopped in after lunch on Sunday.  22 years ago we had Frederick with us at Church Retreat while Beth and Fred were in the hospital having Ben.  Wish I had that picture of Linden holding Austin on one arm and Frederick on the other.

With Rose (high school student from Tailand) and Mariann

I got to stay over Sunday night for some solitude.  Enjoyed the quiet and beauty.  Tried to capture the veiw from skyline deck but this doesn't capture it.  Monday morning. I watched the mist rising from the lake.  So beautiful!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sept. 15, 2012 - Mad Anthony 1/2 Marathon

Starting line

Linden and Larry finishing.

 Mike, Larry, Linden, Josh

Sweet little Mason

Sept. 8,2012 - Grantley's off on his YES! adventure

Leaving home for church and saying goodbye to Evan.

We brought a lunch so we could leave for Lancaster directly to get to James Street church by 3:00.

Wasn't expecting to meet Rhoda Lehman Hershey, a friend from growing up days at Pleasant View Church.

Dustin borrowed a big white van and brought the whole youth group (practically) to the evening commissioning service.  Both Monica and Grantley were surrounded with love and prayers!

Skrobie, Alyssa, Gr, Audrey, not to mention the picture bomber, Ray.

Helpful workshops in the afternoon and inspiring service in the evening. 

With team Indonesia - Andrew, Grantley, Maria, Lia

Sept. 7,2012 - Grantley's farewell pizza party

Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 2, 2012

Rhoda's 60th Birthday!

Austin Home!

Austin came home Friday and left Sunday.  He needed to get the rest of his stuff for his apartment.  We went yard saleing and had a cook out on Saturday.  Grantley is churning iced almond milk

From Mother's day

A penny for your thoughts!

Frederick had the Jr Youth make a poster like this for each of the moms and posted them in the back of the church for us to try to identify ourselves.  The names were under a construction paper flap.  This was really fun!  Great idea Frederick!

August 30, 2012 Visit with Aunt Gladys

 It was the perfect week to take Mom to Newville to see Aunt Gladys.  I hadn't been to her house in decades.  Changes:  barn's gone, butcher shop still, flower beds overgrow.  But it's still the same place and Aunt Gladys is still there.  Sweet memories.  Sweet Aunt Gladys!