Thursday, May 26, 2011

CVSM Recital Tue, May 24

Another last item for the school year. . .  Another strong finish!  Well done everyone!
This was Grantley's first solo vocal performance.  He sang "More I Cannot Wish You" from Guys and Dolls.  Gloria, we recorded it for you.  He did very well!  And it was so nice to have Anna on hand to accompany!  Grantley also ended up playing "Tarantella" AGAIN (4th performance) because this recital was added on to the end of the school year and the CVSM office needed to make sure it was at least 30 minutes worth of music.

Petra played Boccerini Minuet on violin and Bach Minuet 3 on Piano.  I'm sure it was her very best performance ever!  No slips or stumbles or galoops anywhere.  Beautiful and so musical, as Mrs Emig said.

Mr Cameron, Katie Williams, me and Grantley played two pieces in ensemble:  a Scherzo by Webster on which Katie played the crazily fast first part and the rest of us accompanied and a Celtic slide, "Banish Misfortune" where Mr Cameron played the first part and the rest of us accompanied.  This was the thrill of the year for me - playing with other cellos is just wonderful!  I am pleased with myself that I managed to keep up my focus and if I didn't play every single note, I did carry my part satisfactorily.  Yes!

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