Friday, May 27, 2011

A of GG Peotry Concert Sunday, May 22

In the book, Anne participates in a poetry concert so we gave a poetry concert for all our families.

Laura - "Angels"

Petra - "Woodman, Spare that Tree"
by George Pope Morris
Shaliqua - Invictus
by William Ernest Henley

Me - The Lake Isle of Innisfree
by William Butler Yeats
Ian - "The Road Not Taken"
By Robert Frost

Gertrude - Lockinvar
by Sir Walter Scott

Grantley - The Highway Man
by Alfed Noyes.
Dexter read part 2 of "An Essay on Criticism" which ends, "Hills peep over hills and Alps an Alps arise."  Shaliqua also read Gloria's favorite Shakespeare Sonnet that starts:  "Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments."
Linden finished the concert with a reading of  "Casey at the Bat."
Good job, everyone!

Following the poetry we had homemade ice cream!

What a great way to finish a great year!

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