Friday, March 11, 2011

Performathon Recital 2011

Petra plays Min 2, Bach
Petra plays her Book 2 recital
Grantley accompanies Mom on La Cinquantaine
Grantey plays Arioso, Bach and Tarantella, Squire.
These are the two pieces he will play at the Merit Scholarship Audition, April 2.
We needed something light to end with.  Thursday morning I thought of a fun song but when I started to sing it to Petra and Grantley, I suddenly realized that they knew nothing of it so I stopped mid measure and put it on the program as a surprise for them as well as the audience.  Anna, Austin and Gloria, do you know about the song Dad wrote for me my first year teaching?
Susan, who works for Linden mentioned to me that she heard somewhere that Linden sings.
So we got this impromptu quartet together to satisfy Susan's curiosity.
We sang "One is the Body" because of the lovely harmony.
The faithful old pink donation box on a Bolivian cloth sent to us by Gloria.
Thanks to all who contributed!

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