Saturday, April 30, 2011

Earth Day, Saturday, April 30

 Even before I realize there was Earth Day going on today I gave Petra and Andrea the job of picking up trash along the walk from Myrtle to the high school track.  They harvested 2 full kitchen size trash bags full!  I've been walking this walk regularly all winter and have always been bothered by all that trash in the bushes.  So now my quality of life will be greatly improved.  A Hundred Thank Yous to Petra and Deanna!  Later we went to Renfrew Earth day activities.

Petra just loved diving way in under the bushes to find  hidden trash.

Longwood Gardens Friday, April 29

Shaliqua requested a field trip to Longwood Gardens.  The day started out cool but sunny.  Between us we had 3 cameras and we just had to take picture after picture - hundreds.   It was great to have Linden and Grandma with us!  All those beautiful flowers made me think of my Grandma Wadel who loved flowers so much.

Italian Gardens in background.  Rhoda and I were wondering around together.
Shaliqua and Petra at the "Whisper Bench"

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday Morning at EMU

Austin's team gave a presentation for Wednesday morning chapel.  We all went to hear it and to see Austin.  Short visit but worth it!

We didn't get a picture of Austin the person we were there to see but the campus was beautiful!

Track Meet on Tuesday

This was at the beginning of the race with Grantley in 3rd place.  Later on they spaced out but maintained their places.
A teammate wrote this poem about Grantley:

It's Him!
by Carla Plummer

Who's the guy with the bandana red like fire?
He's the guy we all know and admire.
Who's the guy who runs fast like a bunny?
He's the guy we think is funny.

You can find him at the track meet.
So quick a blur, are his feet.
you can give him a warm hug.
So kind, a big sweet lug.

Grantley!  Grantley! You're so cool!
If I wasn't your friend I'd be a fool!
Grantley!  Grantley You're a peach!
To you I will always stick like a leach!

Easter Sunday

Here we are after church before Grantley changes his clothes.  We had a real Sunday dinner with Grandma's help.  

It was so wonderful to have Dad available to hide the eggs this year!  Just as he was hiding the last eggs, the heavens delivered a deluge!  Just 2 kids for an egg hunt didn't seem right so Ian and Nathanael came to help out!  There were 48 eggs hidden but only 47 found.  Even Linden couldn't find it.  They deduced that it was a dark grey "hard to see" egg.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Holy Week - We took the week off (at least I did). It was so unusual to have tax season finished before Easter.

Comfort buddies.  

Grantley made this meal for Petra.

Dying Easter eggs Ukrainian style.

The joy of growing things!  This is the beginning of Linden's Stevia experiment.  He also planted spinach, broccoli, and some other vegetables in the window box outside the laundry room window.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lamppost Home School Exchange Finishes Strong!

Sharing time!
Practicing the skill of listening.

Luke reads a recipe

Snacks outside on a beautiful day!

Gabe enjoying a cooking.

We had our last Lamppost session last Friday.  For me, this was a moment to mark in my life.
When Josiah Long, Audrey Taylor and Anna Showalter were 5 years old, we moms, Kathy, Terri Sue and I put together a little home school group to meet once a week for a series of sessions each fall and spring.  Eventually, we took the name Lamppost Home School Exchange and various families came and went over the years.  That beginning was 18 years ago.
Times are different now.  My "baby" is 13 years old and our needs are shifting.  So an era comes to an end.  In my mind, I'm calling out to all you friends:  Toni, Pam, Terri Sue, Diane, Julie, Brenda, who have been part of Lamppost at some point to take note that Lamppost is now finished.  A good thing has come to a good end. . . so many good times. . . . it really deserves it's own photo album!  (Nice thought.)

Epilogue:  Kathy and Fairview Ave. Moms have caught a wonderful new vision for a weekly full day co-op that will be starting next year and will continue the name of Lamppost but will be very different from what it has been.  I will miss this wonderful group of moms and kids!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Austrailian Aborigine Rock Painting

This was our last project for my Lamppost Art and Geography class. In the morning, Grantley went with me to the stream at Welty's bridge, waded in and fished out some good sized stones.  The water must have been icy but he didn't mind.  Then we cleaned off all the slime and baked them in the oven for an hour or so.  I took all these hot rocks to class and the kids used crayons, which melted nicely into the rock surface to "paint" Australian aboriginal "dream" designs.  This was one of those projects I have been intending to do for years and it finally happened!  Thanks Grantley!  It wouldn't have happened without you!
by Shaliqua

by Ian

by Laura

Another lubok.  Josh, I just noticed the shadows of the onion dome towers, the tree and the house!  Very  cool!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Linden and Golden Paws

Friday night Linden wasn't rushing off back to work after supper.  GP hopped up on his lap and got a good, long scratching behind the ears.  Eventually, Linden's fingers were covered with white fur!  I love this about Linden.  I read somewhere a long time ago about the character that loves children and animals, that character is close to God's character.  I always think of this when I watch Linden being so kind and gentle with the kids and especially with our animals.

Inspired by Russian Lubok

By Shaliqua

by Petra

By Grantley

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yesterday, Spring's First Day!

All the magnolia trees in town are in bloom  -  frost didn't get them this year!
Ah, the hopeful joy of the first real warm and blooming day of Spring!

We have to take time to capture it in photo even though this years pictures will be just like last year's and next years too.


Petra must do her school work outside in the hammock!
Today - Rainy and chilly!  We just have to remember yesterday's warmth and beauty.

Friday, April 8, 2011

2009 Comforters - knotting and signing

Nicola's, made by me.

Amy's made by combined family effort including Grandma Crider.  

Rachel's made by Joyce.

Tasha's and Gloria's Comforters 2010

Glynette used a black with white dot print fabric to add a pattern to the random prints of the square patches.  

On "Senior Sunday" in June we presented the comforters by wrapping each senior in their comforter as a symbol and reminder that they are covered in our love and prayers.

Tasha well wrapped in her comforter by her cousin Colby and friend Sangini.
Tasha collects signatures from her grandparents.
This is Gloria's.  She wanted just squares.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Senior Comforters Step 1

Last evening the youth group all took an excursion to Marian's fabric.  Each person picked out a fabric and purchased one yard.  I brought all the yards home and washed it all and layered it out like this for a picture.  23 different pieces.  Fun colors and prints!

Using "Man Scissors" which I had bought at the auction last month, Grantley cut through 46 layers of fabric at once!  Each comforter maker will receive a rectangle about 11" X 22" of each print to work with.